How Do You Remove Wrinkles from Alpaca Woolen Items?

Wrinkles or creases can be removed from an alpaca woolen garment by simply hanging the garment. Gravity will remove the wrinkles and restore the alpaca woolen garment to its original shape. For more persistent wrinkles, steaming the garment with a clothes-steamer or steam-iron can be considered.

While alpaca woolen garments are not very prone to wrinkling, they may end up getting one or two in some cases. You are probably wondering how to remove wrinkles safely from an alpaca woolen garment? 

buy disulfiram in india Wrinkles or creases can be removed from an alpaca woolen garment by simply hanging the garment. Gravity will remove the wrinkles and restore the alpaca woolen garment to its original shape. For more persistent wrinkles, steaming the garment with a clothes-steamer or steam-iron can be considered. 

While alpaca woolen garments are generally wrinkle-free, you might want to know how to remove wrinkles quickly and safely without damaging the garment when normal ironing is not an option. 

What Is the Easiest Way to Remove Wrinkles from an Alpaca Woolen Garment? 

Tornio The easiest and safest way to remove wrinkles is by simply hanging an alpaca woolen garment so that the fabric can “jump back” in its natural shape. It might take several hours for a wrinkle to disappear. Consider wearing a garment to give it even more room, air and gravity to unwrinkle faster. 

When a garment has been folded or crushed for a prolonged period of time, it will suffice to “unfold” and “uncrush” it simply by giving it space to regain its original shape. 

As long as an alpaca woolen garment is dry, there is no problem in hanging them. Once the garment fills up with air again, the bouncy fiber will jump back into place. 

If you own a heavy alpaca woolen garment that has wrinkles, you can always lay it down flat, on a flat surface to make sure it doesn’t lose its shape. 

Alpaca wool is naturally very resilient thanks to its crimp. Generally, alpaca wool does not have an amazing amount of crimp, and not even all alpacas have crimp, but it is generally more than enough for items to always reshape to their original size and form. 

The downside of removing wrinkles in a natural way is that it might take some time before the wrinkles completely disappear. Wearing a garment might actually speed up the process as they will be exposed to other movements, not just gravity. 

To make a garment wrinkle-free by simply hanging it might take 4-6 hours (or even overnight!) 

Check out this video I made about a wrinkly scarf I had:

What Is the Quickest Way to Remove Wrinkles from an Alpaca Woolen Garment?

The quickest way to remove wrinkles from an alpaca woolen garment is by using steam. You can use a steam-iron, a clothes steamer, or the steam of a misty environment (like a bathroom). Using a steamer or iron is quicker than the bathroom-method. 

When you don’t have time to wait for gravity to do its work, it is recommended to remove wrinkles with a clothes-steamer or steam-iron. By doing so, the steam will reverse the process that caused the wrinkles in the first place. According to SteamSpa, the heat and humidity produced by steam, soften the polymer bonds. 

Whether you use steam from a clothes-steamer or a steam-iron or from a hot shower doesn’t matter for the effect, although the process is faster when you use a clothes-steamer or steam-iron. 

Using a steam-iron or clothes-steamer will make a garment wrinkle-free in less than one hour.

How Do You Steam an Alpaca Woolen Garment to Remove Wrinkles? 

There are three ways to apply steam to remove wrinkles on alpaca woolen garments: 

  • Steam-iron
  • Clothes-steamer
  • The steam in a bathroom from a hot shower.

When using a steam-iron or clothes-steamer to remove wrinkles, you have to make sure that the steam never touches the wool directly. Using a pressing cloth is recommended, but a white, cotton dish towel will work, too. 

The steam can cause the alpaca fiber to scorch, so always be careful!

Using the lowest stand on an iron will work (the wool setting) and will prevent your garment from getting damaged. 

  1. Place the garment inside out or with the “wrong” side up
  2. Place the pressing cloth on the wrinkled area. 
  3. Press the iron (gently) on the pressing cloth and make continuous movements on the wrinkled area. 
  4. Move the pressing cloth to the next wrinkled area until your garment is wrinkle-free. 

For a full guide on how to iron woolen garments, check out!

An added benefit of using a steamer is that it removes smells and bacteria and freshens up the garment at the same time! 

If you don’t have a clothes-steamer or steam-iron handy (or you have the time and want to save yourself the effort), you can simply hang the garment on a strong coat hanger in the bathroom and use the steam that comes from a hot shower. 

The “shower-method” is easier and less risky than using a steamer or iron, but might take more time: 1-3 hours. 

You don’t have to leave the shower on for that long, simply closing off the bathroom might keep the steam trapped for a while. Make sure the garment is not exposed to water directly. 

Can You Stretch and Pull an Alpaca Woolen Garment to Remove Wrinkles? 

You should never stretch or pull an alpaca woolen garment to remove wrinkles. Stretching and pulling can cause the garment to deform. 

While alpaca wool is generally stretchy and has a medium degree of wool memory (the ability to “remember” its original shape), it is not the best. By pulling and stretching the garment, you risk making the garment bigger than it originally was, or moving the pattern in a different shape than it had. 

In order to prevent this, you should never stretch or pull alpaca woolen garments to remove wrinkles. 

Alpaca Wool Is Wrinkle-Resistant! 

While there are many ways to remove wrinkles from an alpaca woolen garment, you should always remember that alpaca wool is wrinkle-free, naturally.

This means that alpaca wool doesn’t need to be ironed or steamed. Generally, you can wear alpaca woolen items straight after washing (wash and wear) and they don’t need softener or other chemical detergents in order to stay pretty.

It is a unique feature of wool fibers, given that other natural fibers are very prone to wrinkling. 

Normally, the synthetic fibers are more wrinkle-free, but they have so many downsides that I rather avoid them and alpaca wool seems to be the perfect compromise! 

Read more about this in the full article I wrote about alpaca wool being wrinkle-free: Is Alpaca Wool Wrinkle-free?


I love everything alpaca, sustainable and green. When I'm not writing about the wonderful features of alpaca wool, you can find me reading, hiking or cooking.

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